Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy New Year

For New Year's Eve, we decided to have host a dinner party with friends. We provided the sushi, made by my newly-skilled sushi-chef husband. He also made beef tenderloin, which was so delicious. Our friends brought the mashed potatoes, asparagus, salad, bread, and wine. I made my sister-in-law's yummy chocolate cheesecake recipe for dessert. The food was wonderful, but the time we spend with friends was even better. It was a fun way to celebrated the coming of a new year!

I was very proud of William's first sushi making attempt!

Adeline approves!

The women at the party!

The little girls at the party!
These girls were troupers. They were up to nearly midnight, but didn't complain one bit. They thought they were so big getting to be at the party, too!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Christmas is such a special and fun time. Here are some of the fun things that we did!
We went to see Santa at the Mall. The Santa that we go see every year is such a cute old man with a real beard, of course. Maylen flipped out and got scared, so the first visit she bailed on us and wouldn't get her picture made. Adeline had no problem going to see him. She really liked sitting on his lap. So about 2 hours later, Maylen decided she had mustered up the guts to go see Santa. So back in line we went with an attempt for a decent picture. This time Adeline sat in Sanat's lap and stroked his beard and told him that she wanted "presents" for Christmas. Maylen did sit in his lap too even though she was nervous. We got a cute picture, but Maylen told me later that she forgot to tell Santa that she wanted a baby that goes poopy in the potty. Her other main requests were for drums and a trumpet. I'm not sure where she got this idea, but I'm glad that she is a creative thinker! Who would have thought that our girly little princess would want these instruments?

Before Christmas my parents took the girls to the Enchanted Forest with their cousins. The girls love doing things with their grandparents and cousins.

My sister and I got stuff to make a gingerbread house with the girls. They LOVED it. Maylen did the decorating and design. She kept saying "I have a good idea. Let's make the windows out of candy." Or, "I have a good idea. Let's make the chimney out of dots." It was really cute how excited she was about it. I think this is going to have to be one of our traditions.

We spent Christmas Eve with William's side of the family for Christmas presents, dinner, and Christmas Eve Communion service. We forgot our camera, so I'll have to try to get some pictures from William's sister to post.

Christmas morning Maylen woke me by saying that Santa brought her the baby doll that poops and tetes in the potty that she wanted. She was so excited! Adeline's main interests have been for all things Cinderella and princess. Both girls are so into princesses and Disney princess movies. So fun! So we had a very girly, princessy, dress-up and baby doll Christmas this year. It was so exciting for me to see how excited they were by each gift that they opened. It was really cute to see them both. I also had the best time shopping for them and getting things for them that I knew they would like. I think this was our funnest Christmas yet.

Adeline's Little People Princess Castle from Santa

Maylen with her Snow White costume

The Princesses!

Adeline trying her ballet moves in her new tutu!

Maylen with her Baby Alive

Christmas afternoon was spent at my parents house. Adeline got a hair brush with her Little Mermaid DVD. She loves to brush hair--her hair and other people's. So she was eager to try her new brush out. My dad was her first victim, and Brian was the second. LOL!

I wanted to teach the girls in the mist of all of the gifts that Christmas is not just about receiving. It's about giving too-- and giving to those who don't have the things that we have. I must say that I was very proud of my girls. We went through all of their toys and cleaned them out and gave many of them away before Christmas. Maylen was really sweet to say that she wanted to give some of her toys that she really wasn't using or playing with to other kids who don't have toys. She does seem to have a thoughtful and tender spirit.
I'm thankful to the Lord for this special time of year to celebrate the greatest gift of all-- the gift of Jesus, our Savior and our Redeemer to this world!