I ordered the girls portraits from their photo session at Lynn and Lynn. I can't wait to get them back. I'll have Adeline's portrait hanging next to Maylen's 2 year portrait over my mantel. I remember getting Maylen's done -- hard to believe that was two years ago. My mom, the girls, and I went to Anna Renee's tea room while we were in Oakland for my birthday lunch. I took some pictures of the girls. I had hoped to get some outside picture in front of the beautiful fall leaves, but since it's been so cold the girls weren't too happy with the idea.
William and I had the week of Thanksgiving off -- well William only had to go in to clinical one day. It was so nice having time at home to get things done around the house. William has been working on the house -- replacing siding, rotted boards and my bathroom window in preparation to paint the house. The actual painting might take place when there are some warmer days. One of our days home, Adeline was particularly self-entertaining. I found her in the bathroom painting Pooh with her paints. At least she was nice enough to paint on the toilet instead of the carpet! She's got that "caught red handed" look on her face.
We had a nice thanksgiving. We had lunch with the Janovich side of the family at Missy's house. The kid's table was full that day. Then we had dinner with the Pearson side at my mom's.
On Friday, I was eager to tackle clean up and decoration for Christmas. I had the girls help me rake the yard so that William could put the outside lights up. They were cute wanting to help blow off the driveway.
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